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Nollywood actress, Stella Ikwuegbu, dies



Last Updated on June 16, 2024 by Fellow Press

The Nigerian Movie Industry has once again been thrown into mourning following the demise of another actress, Sandra Ikwuegbu.

The Veteran Actress is said to have died today, June 16, after a battling with leg cancer,

Her colleagues in the industry have taken to social media to mourn her. Movie Producer, Stanley Ontop , wrote;

‘’Popular Nollywood actress/veteran Mrs stella ikwuegbu is dead.

The Veteran Actress left this world today after battling with Leg cancer. Rest well madam Stella.

Nollywood not again

It’s well


Another colleague of hers, Ijele Ozioma Christy Ejiofor, who paid a visit to the late actress’s home this afternoon, wrote

‘’Ukwu Gi Dia. Why? You scaled through several, accident s and all. Eniure/Achiere came, and in less than a week, it killed you. Oh my… I feel bad.

Stella Ikwuegbu, nenu Jennifer, you didn’t enjoy a thing. Why? Just why?

Adieu Great Actress Extraordinary…”


I’v being in a relationship with Ice Prince for 12yr– Moet Abebe



Last Updated on June 29, 2024 by Fellow Press

Nollywood actress and media personality, Moet Abebe, has revealed that she is in a romantic relationship with rapper, Ice Prince.

According to her, they have been together for 12 years.

She disclosed this in a recent episode of the ‘Bahd And Boujee’ podcast, co-hosted by her and reality star Tolanibaj.

She said, “Ice Prince is my man. We have been dating for 12 years. I’m his baby girl.”

Tolanibaj asked, “Do you plan of having children with him?”

Abebe replied, “Our babies will be fine but no. Let me not say no [laughs].”

Tolanibaj asked again, “Have you ever received a credit alert from him?”

Abebe replied, “Why not. That’s my boo.”

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FG to arrest skit makers who release content without approval



Last Updated on June 29, 2024 by Fellow Press

The National Film and Video Censors Board (NFVCB) announced plans to arrest skitmakers releasing online content without approval. The board, led by Shaibu Husseini, issued a social media statement warning filmmakers and content creators to stop producing, promoting, and distributing unapproved content on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and Twitter.

The statement expressed growing concern over the proliferation of content violating Nigeria’s censorship laws. “The attention of the National Film and Video Censors Board has been drawn to the activities of some unscrupulous filmmakers/content creators who are clearly flouting the provisions of the country’s law with impunity,” it began.

The NFVCB specifically targeted same-sex content, declaring it illegal in Nigeria. The board, responsible for censoring and classifying films and videos, emphasized the legal requirement for all content, including skits and music videos, to be classified by the NFVCB before distribution or exhibition.

Reminding creators of the 2014 Same-Sex Marriage (Prohibition) Act, the board stated, “It is an offense to directly or indirectly make a public show (Exhibition) of same-sex relationships in Nigeria.” The board also reiterated that distributing or exhibiting any film or video content without NFVCB classification is illegal.

The NFVCB announced its collaboration with security agencies to identify and take legal action against those violating these regulations.

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