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Naira abuse: Court strikes out charge against Cubana Chief Priest



Last Updated on June 25, 2024 by Fellow Press

The Federal High Court in Lagos on Tuesday struck out a charge against celebrity bartender, Pascal Okechukwu, popularly known as Cubana Chief Priest, over alleged abuse of the naira.

Justice Kehinde Ogundare struck out the charge following the adoption of terms of settlement between parties to the suit.

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) had on April 17, arraigned Okechukwu on a three-count charge of allegedly spraying and tampering with the Naira notes during a social event at Eko Hotel in Lagos.

He had pleaded not guilty to the charge and was granted bail in the sum of N10 million.

At the last adjourned date on May 2, the Defence Counsel, Mr Chikaosolu Ojukwu (SAN), informed the court.

Ojukwu noted that the parties were exploring settlement and had applied that the matter be settled pursuant to the provisions of section 14(2) of the EFCC Act.

Following the position, he applied for a withdrawal of a preliminary objection filed by defence, and since there was no objection from the prosecution, the court granted same.

The court, consequently, adjourned the case until June 5, for report of settlement.

On June 5, the case could not go on following the absence of the defence counsel who had reportedly written to the court praying for an adjournment.

The court had adjourned the case until June 25, for report of settlement.

When the case was called on Tuesday, Mrs Bilikisu Buhari appeared for the prosecution, while Mr Chikaosolu Ojukwu (SAN), appeared for the defence.

Bilikisu informed the court that the prosecution had filed the terms of settlement dated June 24 and adopted same.

In response, the defence counsel said he agreed with what the prosecutor said and equally adopted same.

He thanked the court for its indulgence adding that part of the obligations contained in the said terms had been performed.

He urged the court to make the consequential orders of dismissing the case.

In a short ruling, the court held that: “Upon the agreement of the prosecution and defence pursuant to the EFCC Establishment Act, the agreement having been presented to the court, this charge is hereby struck out as the defendant is hereby cautioned,” he said.

Meanwhile, a copy of the terms of settlement which was obtained by newsmen in court provided as follows:
“The agreement applies only to the findings relating to contravention of the law contained in the pending charge preferred against the defendant.

“The defendant shall enter into a bond with the EFCC to be of good behaviour and never indulge in any Economic and Financial Crime or related offences.

“The defendant shall engage in rigorous and intensive sensitisation and/or campaign against the abuse of coins and notes issued under the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Act as legal tender.

“The defendant shall bi-monthly post on his various social media handles a minimum of two video clips of his sensitisation/campaign against abuse of Naira and sundry offences.

“The defendant shall pay to the consolidated revenue fund of Federation such sum not below the sum of N10 million only upon the execution af this agreement,” he said.

In the charge, the defendant was said to have tampered with the funds in the denomination of N500, while dancing at the social event in Eko Hotel.

The offence contravenes the provisions of section 21(1) of the CBN Act of 2007.

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ASUU to embark on strike in two weeks if FG fails to honour agreements



Last Updated on June 29, 2024 by Fellow Press

The Academic Staff Union of Universities, ASUU, has declared that it would embark on strike in the next two weeks if agreements with the Federal Government are not met.

The Zonal Coordinator of ASUU, Calabar Zone, Comrade Happiness Uduk, said this while addressing a press conference and protest organized by Calabar Zone of ASUU, at Abia state University, Uturu Main Campus.

She said that various agreements between the union and the Federal government were yet to be honoured, leaving the academic staff and educational sector at large in deplorable condition.

She listed the issues to include no salary increment, salary arrears, poor funding of universities and non-payment of Earned Academic Allowances, among others.

The union rejected the Integrated Personal and Payroll Information System (IPPIS) and the introduction of Treasury Single Account (TSA) in Abia State University, Uturu, and also condemned the victimisation of members of ASUU in Ebonyi State University (EBSU).

It expressed regrets that monthly wages of lecturers have been rubbished by the high cost of living in the country.

ASUU also rejected the Federal Government’s loan package for Nigerian students, warning that it would enslave the students.

“Universities would be shut down for academic activities in the next two weeks. Please take the message to them,” Uduk said.

Also speaking, the Chairman of ASUU in Abia State University, Dr Chidi Mba rejected the Treasury Single Account.

Mba, who said the lecturers are owed between 11 and 14 months salaries, also complained that salaries of some workers were slashed.

The ASUU Chairman called on the Abia State government to increase the funding for the school.

Calabar Zone of ASUU comprises of seven Universities namely University of Calabar, University of Uyo, Alex Ekwueme University, Abia State University, Ebonyi State University and Akwa Ibom State University.

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Yahaya Bello requests Transfer of N83b fraud case to Kogi



Yahaya Bello

Last Updated on June 27, 2024 by Fellow Press

Yahaya Bello, the immediate former Governor of Kogi State, has requested the transfer of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) case against him to Kogi State.

Bello’s legal team argues that since the alleged offence was committed during his tenure as governor, it is only fitting for the case to be heard in Kogi State.

The former governor is expected to be arraigned at the Federal High Court in Abuja, today, on alleged fraud charges totalling N82 billion.

The EFCC will be prosecuting the case on behalf of the federal government.

The arraignment is listed as number 7 on Justice Emeka Nwite’s cause list.

However, it remains uncertain whether Bello will appear in court as promised.

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