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Omokri tackles Peter Obi over his criticism of ‘new’ presidential jet for Tinubu



Peter Obi

Last Updated on June 18, 2024 by Fellow Press

Former aide to ex-President Goodluck Jonathan, Reno Omokri, on Monday accused the 2023 Labour Party presidential candidate, Peter Obi, of lying over the reported purchase of a presidential jet for President Bola Tinubu.

Omokri said, contrary to Obi’s claim, the Nigerian government has no plans to buy a new private jet for Tinubu.

He clarified that the idea to change Tinubu’s presidential jet did not emanate from the presidency.

On Friday, the House of Representatives Committee on National Security and Intelligence asked the FG to purchase new aircraft for Tinubu and Shettima.

Reacting, Obi said: “It’s on record that our presidential jets have an average age of 12 years, purchased when most Nigerians could afford basic necessities. Now, as our country faces significant challenges, including a high debt profile, our citizens are in even greater need.”

However, Omokri faulted Obi’s comment, which he described as “another Gbajue lie.”

Posting on X, Omokri wrote: “The statement by Peter Obi condemning the Federal Government’s plan to buy new presidential jet for President Tinubu is another Gbajue lie from a man who has elevated lying to an art.

“The reason for this is because there is no such plan. It was the National Assembly that mooted the idea, as is their right. The Executive did not make such plans and has not budgeted any money for such a purpose.

“It is the same way he lied and blamed the Tinubu administration for spending N21 billion on the new residence of the Vice President. What he failed to tell his gullible supporters is that that project was initiated and funded by previous administrations, dating to when our party, the Peoples Democratic Party, was in office. Please note that Peter Obi was then our card-carrying member, but he did not attack the project.

“Mr. Peter Obi counts on your gullibility and refusal to research what you read before believing him. That is why he tells such fibs.”

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ASUU to embark on strike in two weeks if FG fails to honour agreements



Last Updated on June 29, 2024 by Fellow Press

The Academic Staff Union of Universities, ASUU, has declared that it would embark on strike in the next two weeks if agreements with the Federal Government are not met.

The Zonal Coordinator of ASUU, Calabar Zone, Comrade Happiness Uduk, said this while addressing a press conference and protest organized by Calabar Zone of ASUU, at Abia state University, Uturu Main Campus.

She said that various agreements between the union and the Federal government were yet to be honoured, leaving the academic staff and educational sector at large in deplorable condition.

She listed the issues to include no salary increment, salary arrears, poor funding of universities and non-payment of Earned Academic Allowances, among others.

The union rejected the Integrated Personal and Payroll Information System (IPPIS) and the introduction of Treasury Single Account (TSA) in Abia State University, Uturu, and also condemned the victimisation of members of ASUU in Ebonyi State University (EBSU).

It expressed regrets that monthly wages of lecturers have been rubbished by the high cost of living in the country.

ASUU also rejected the Federal Government’s loan package for Nigerian students, warning that it would enslave the students.

“Universities would be shut down for academic activities in the next two weeks. Please take the message to them,” Uduk said.

Also speaking, the Chairman of ASUU in Abia State University, Dr Chidi Mba rejected the Treasury Single Account.

Mba, who said the lecturers are owed between 11 and 14 months salaries, also complained that salaries of some workers were slashed.

The ASUU Chairman called on the Abia State government to increase the funding for the school.

Calabar Zone of ASUU comprises of seven Universities namely University of Calabar, University of Uyo, Alex Ekwueme University, Abia State University, Ebonyi State University and Akwa Ibom State University.

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I don’t want to return to Aso Villa, its stress is too much – Patience Jonathan



Last Updated on June 29, 2024 by Fellow Press

Former First lady, Dame Patience Jonathan. has stated that she wouldn’t want to return to the presidential villa she and her husband, Goodluck Jonathan, occupied for eight years because “the stress of Nigeria is too much.”


While at a public function on Friday, June 28, Mrs Jonathan said;

“If you call me now for villa, I wouldn’t go there. I won’t. Don’t you see how young I am? The stress is so much. The stress of Nigeria is so much. If God manages to bring you out of it, you should glorify God and thank for the lord’s doing because it is marvellous in his eyes. He has taken you there once, why do you want to go there again? Me I won’t go oo!!!” she said

The Jonathans exited the presidential villa in 2015 after Buhari won the elections and was sworn into office.

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