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Minumum Wage: Govs should resign if they can’t pay, says Labour



Last Updated on June 9, 2024 by Fellow Press

Organised Labour on Saturday tackled the state governors, accusing them of acting in bad faith towards the new minimum wage negotiations ongoing in the country.

Recall that the governors under the aegis of the Nigeria Governors Forum rejected the proposed N60,000 minimum wage for Nigerian workers.

In a statement issued on Friday by the Director of Media and Public Affairs for NGF, Halimah Ahmed, the governors said the proposed minimum wage was too high and not sustainable.

The governors said if the N60,000 minimum wage is adopted, many states would allocate their entire Federal Account Allocation Committee funds to salaries, leaving no resources for development projects.

However reacting on Saturday, the Organised Labour faulted the NGF’s position, saying every part of the new minimum wage agreement should be implemented and any of the state governors who can’t pay it should resign.

According to Punch, the Deputy National President of the Trade Union Congress, Tommy Etim, said, “There is no minimum wage. Every segment of it should be implemented. For the governors, we have said it very clearly. If you cannot pay minimum wage, please resign because you were voted for governance not for only infrastructure.”

“If you build the entire infrastructure and the people are not living to use it, who will use it? When they were campaigning did they tell us that? They didn’t tell us that. They make use of the poor to get to the top and when they get there, they start thinking outside the box. All the money they spent in electioneering campaigns, if they applied that to build infrastructure, to develop the revenue generation that would have solved some socio-economic challenges in their domain,” Etim said.

Describing the NGF statement as a recipe for industrial unrest, he said, “In this same country, the governors said that N30,000 was too much for governors to pay but it is in the same country that a governor emerged with over N80bn. What an irony! We cannot jump processes. We will also look at it together. Labour will be meeting. We are giving Mr President the benefit of the doubt to work the talk. The end will justify the means.”

Also reacting in a statement signed by its Head of Public Affairs, Benson Upah, the Nigerian Labour Congress said, “We do believe the Governors have acted in bad faith. It is unheard of for such a statement to be issued to the world in the middle of an on-going negotiation. It is certainly in bad taste.

“As for the veracity of their claim, nothing can be further from the truth as FAAC allocations have since moved from N700bn to N1.2tn, making the governments extremely rich at the expense of the people.

“All that the governors need to do to be able to pay a reasonable national minimum wage (not even the N60,000) is cut on the high cost of governance, minimise corruption as well as prioritise the welfare of workers.”

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ASUU to embark on strike in two weeks if FG fails to honour agreements



Last Updated on June 29, 2024 by Fellow Press

The Academic Staff Union of Universities, ASUU, has declared that it would embark on strike in the next two weeks if agreements with the Federal Government are not met.

The Zonal Coordinator of ASUU, Calabar Zone, Comrade Happiness Uduk, said this while addressing a press conference and protest organized by Calabar Zone of ASUU, at Abia state University, Uturu Main Campus.

She said that various agreements between the union and the Federal government were yet to be honoured, leaving the academic staff and educational sector at large in deplorable condition.

She listed the issues to include no salary increment, salary arrears, poor funding of universities and non-payment of Earned Academic Allowances, among others.

The union rejected the Integrated Personal and Payroll Information System (IPPIS) and the introduction of Treasury Single Account (TSA) in Abia State University, Uturu, and also condemned the victimisation of members of ASUU in Ebonyi State University (EBSU).

It expressed regrets that monthly wages of lecturers have been rubbished by the high cost of living in the country.

ASUU also rejected the Federal Government’s loan package for Nigerian students, warning that it would enslave the students.

“Universities would be shut down for academic activities in the next two weeks. Please take the message to them,” Uduk said.

Also speaking, the Chairman of ASUU in Abia State University, Dr Chidi Mba rejected the Treasury Single Account.

Mba, who said the lecturers are owed between 11 and 14 months salaries, also complained that salaries of some workers were slashed.

The ASUU Chairman called on the Abia State government to increase the funding for the school.

Calabar Zone of ASUU comprises of seven Universities namely University of Calabar, University of Uyo, Alex Ekwueme University, Abia State University, Ebonyi State University and Akwa Ibom State University.

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Yahaya Bello requests Transfer of N83b fraud case to Kogi



Yahaya Bello

Last Updated on June 27, 2024 by Fellow Press

Yahaya Bello, the immediate former Governor of Kogi State, has requested the transfer of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) case against him to Kogi State.

Bello’s legal team argues that since the alleged offence was committed during his tenure as governor, it is only fitting for the case to be heard in Kogi State.

The former governor is expected to be arraigned at the Federal High Court in Abuja, today, on alleged fraud charges totalling N82 billion.

The EFCC will be prosecuting the case on behalf of the federal government.

The arraignment is listed as number 7 on Justice Emeka Nwite’s cause list.

However, it remains uncertain whether Bello will appear in court as promised.

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